To our California Truck Centers Family,

We recognize the critical work you are doing out there on the road. Delivering food, medical supplies and the everyday products America needs. You are, indeed, “essential businesses”. We want you to know we are here to support your efforts and will continue doing so during, and after, this emergency.

Considering the chaos the novel coronavirus is causing, it can sometimes be difficult to get solid information. We want you to know that all our locations, Fresno, Bakersfield, Golden Gate, Delta French Camp and Ceres, Sacramento and Central Coast (Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo) as well as California Truck Rental in Oakland are open, fully staffed, and operating as usual. Our people are working hard to insure that, our facilities are clean and sanitized providing you and them a safe working environment.

We are as anxious as you to get back to normal, in the meantime, we are here to help any way we can. Thank you for all you do, it’s during emergencies like this, that Californians, and all Americans, stand tall, work hard, and look out for one another.

Be safe out there.